Human Resources

Backpack takes LGC’s Payroll software to the next level with more HR functionality, including a responsive design for mobile devices. Select from a wide variety of apps including online paycheck stubs, employee onboarding, time and attendance tracking, and many more. Backpack gives your employees easy access to the apps they need, 24/7 through the portal, powered by My Benefits Channel (MBC). The apps you select can manage everything from communications, in-service scheduling, onboarding & orientation, training & compliance, to tax forms. Save time and eliminate duplicate entries with employee data syncing between LGC’s Payroll software and the Backpack portal.
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Human Resources
- Automated Orientation and Onboarding Processes
- Benefit Deductions
- Conveniently Access Up-to-date Leave Balances
- Education and Training Library
- Electronic Forms and Notices Save Time and Money
- IRS Electronic W-2 Delivery
- Online Paycheck Stubs
- Online Personnel Record Storage Helps Eliminate Paper Files
- Time and Attendance Essentials such as Tracking Employee Hours
- Track Professional Development Credits, Certificates, and Records
- View and Print Archival Tax Forms