Financial Management Software Solutions
LGC’s General Ledger software is the central hub for LGC’s Financial Management system. It is completely integrated with Purchasing, Payroll, and Fixed Assets. LGC’s revenue collection software is also integrated with General Ledger. Automatic entries are made from all these systems directly into General Ledger, allowing for real-time updates of financial information.
General Ledger
- Document Imaging/Management Interface
- Enhanced Budgeting and Bank Reconciliation
- Extensive Reporting Options with Microsoft Office Interface
- Flexible Accounting Periods/ Account Structure
- Multi-Year Accounting
- Web Portal Account Inquiry
- Document Imaging/Management Interface
- Extensive Reporting Options with Microsoft Office Interface
- Print Checks on Demand
- Requisition Approval Process
- User Friendly Vendor Management
- 1099 Reporting
LGC’s Purchasing software simplifies the process of maintaining vendor lists, tracking and paying invoices, printing accounts payable checks and distributing payable expenses. It is designed to provide all the tools necessary to create, issue, track, and manage requisitions and purchase orders. It integrates with LGC’s General Ledger, Purchasing, and Document Management systems.
LGC’s Payroll software is a comprehensive system designed to manage all aspects of the payroll process. It tracks employee information including demographics, salary and W-4 information, deductions, leave, and pay history. Timesheets can be created by employee or pay type and it allows for multiple pay frequencies. It offers seamless integration to General Ledger allowing for a true bank reconciliation process. The system produces required reports such as quarterly federal and state tax reports, deduction reports, and yearly W-2 reporting. It is fully integrated with Backpack, LGC’s Online HR Portal.
- Document Imaging/Management Interface
- Integrated to Backpack, LGC's Online HR Portal
- Extensive Reporting Options with Microsoft Office Interface
- Time Keeping Interface
- Track Employee Benefits, Deductions, Leave Types, and Pay History
- W2 Printing and Electronic Filing
Fixed Assets
- Advanced Inquiry Features with Search Capabilities
- Depreciation Can Be Run Monthly, Quarterly, Annually, Etc.
- Extensive Reporting Options with Microsoft Office Interface
- Manages Entire Life Cycle of Assets from Acquisition to Disposal
- Meets County and City Audit Requirements for Capital Asset Reporting
- Streamlined Asset Entry Through a Wizard-Driven Process
LGC’s Fixed Assets software is designed to simplify the process of accounting and depreciation for a wide range of assets including land, buildings, office equipment, vehicles, heavy equipment, construction materials, etc. The program tracks assets by fund, department, category, class, location, and custodian.